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Piano Lessons

Age to Begin Lessons
(Ages six and up):
Piano Lessons for Children: We typically suggest beginning piano lessons for ages six and up. Children younger than six can take piano lessons as long as the right teacher and method is used. We have specific teachers who use specialized methods in teaching children younger than six years old.
Piano Lessons for Teens: Teens can be one of the most interesting and challenging age groups to teach. It takes a special piano teacher to help a teen stay interested during those first couple of months as they learn the basics. We make sure that we match each student with the right piano instructor that meets the demands of not only the instrument but also the age of the student.
Piano Lessons for Adults: Adults can get a lot of joy out of starting up those lessons they stopped as kids. Typically, adults have specific goals in mind “I want to learn this song” or “I just want to pick up sheet music and play it” our instructors use great piano methods and approaches to help adults quickly achieve their goals.
Purchase Requirements:
Beginning Piano Students should look for a full size, 88-key electronic keyboard. This is an affordable alternative to the acoustic piano and there are several options around $500. After a year or so of dedicated playing, you may want to upgrade to an acoustic piano. These are higher quality than their electronic cousins but require more of a financial investment. Upright acoustic pianos run about $2,000 and up and will fit comfortably in a living room. Grand pianos are the highest quality, but they are considerably more expensive and demand a great deal of space in your house.
In Home Piano Lessons
We come to you! Stop the hassle of driving and paying for gas
Teachers matched to the student
Local means we care
All Ages, Abilities & Styles
100,000 Music Lessons and counting