Now Offering
Online &
Ukulele Lessons

Age to Begin Lessons
(Ages six and up):
Ukulele Lessons for Children: Many young children want to play the guitar, but it is a difficult instrument to start with, especially considering the size. The Ukulele is a great alternative as it is much easier for a young child to handle and fewer strings to learn. Most important, we make sure that we match each child with a teacher that is going to be good for his/her age.
Ukulele Lessons for Teens: Ukulele is a great instrument for a teen to tackle, teens typically learn the ukulele quickly and have fun showing off for friends, family and you tube with the songs they learn. A great idea is to add on voice or songwriting lessons as either of these options work well with the uke.
Purchase Requirements:
Like most instruments Ukulele’s have a broad range of prices and models. Typically, a soprano ukulele is the best option to start with. We suggest not breaking the bank for the instrument, but you should probably stay away from those bargain options as well. A good medium-priced Ukulele (around $100) will hold up well and be a great sounding instrument for years to come. We would also suggest purchasing a clip-on tuner.
Ukulele Surges in Popularity as the Go-To Instrument
Take Ukulele lessons in the comfort of your own home:
- No more worries about traffic
- Save money on gas
- No more “Taxi Driver” Parents – Save Mom and Dad from one more trip to make
- Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced lessons taught.
Instructors you can believe in:
Our Ukulele Instructors are some of the best in the area. More than just skilled musicians, our instructors have the “Heart of a Teacher”, their passion is to teach their students the joy of playing the ukulele.
Each Mobile Music Academy Ukulele Teacher has gone through a thorough interview process including a background check. We take our lessons seriously and only choose the top candidates as our Ukulele instructors.